
Nature Boy's Tale

It's been a very long time since I have updated this blog. So many songs ago it's shameful.

I've also been away on holiday. It's always great to get out of the city for a week or two. As an urban person, there is no greater joy than to dig my fingers to the ground and do some gardening. You miss the connection with nature when you're surrounded by concrete.

It feels like home when I go to our house on the countryside, because once upon a time it was my actual home - before that my grandparent's home. Alot of history there. The house has been unoccupied since my mother moved out, so now it serves the purpose of a summerhouse. Because of several things that happened there I kept my distance for some years, barely visiting or spending time there. My current home is located few hundred kilometres away in Helsinki, so it's not often that I find myself there. But this year I've felt at peace with everything and I've already visited two three times. There is nothing better than to sit outside reading a book, when the nature is all around and the warm breeze passes over you. It's like a slice of heaven.

Though not always as I found out on my first trip. I was a bit too enthusiastic on the gardening part and like someone who's accustomed to city life, I did everything wrong. I managed to pull a muscle from my back and the pain was unbelievable. I wasn't able to sit for weeks which also partly explains why I haven't been updating much. I simply was not able to do anything, though against all reason I tried which only prolonged the process of healing.

Photo: Kimmo

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